Neighbor’s Flavors

This salad is really about peaches. Well, let’s be fair - peaches and burrata. Both ingredients share center stage in this summer salad. The ingredients are minimal, the process is simple, and the final product is divine.

Ingredients list:

 ·       2 fresh peaches. (Not too ripe! They must stand up to grilling)

·       Prosciutto (You could grill a chicken breast as an alternative protein)

·       8 oz. container of burrata

·       Arugula

·       Fresh Basil

·       Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Good oil is key! No skunky old oil or you’ll be sad. We use Graza’s Drizzle variety)

·       Balsamic Vinegar (We use the Napa Valley Naturals oak wood aged variety. It’s thicker and lets us skip making a reduction)

·       A crusty loaf of your favorite bread to serve toasted alongside the salad


 We’re grilling peaches! So, we will need some good heat to caramelize those sugars. Fire up your grill and get it nice and hot. We love burning lump charcoal when grilling, but a gas grill would do the trick, too. While your grill is warming up, go ahead and halve those peaches and remove the pits. When the grill is ready, brush some olive oil on the cut side of the peaches and throw them on.

 After about 3 minutes, pull the peaches and set aside. Rinse and dry arugula and cover a large plate (or smaller bowls/plates that you’re eating from) with the arugula. Slice the peaches and sporadically place the slices over the arugula. Add scoops of burrata throughout. If you’re using prosciutto, grab half pieces, gently wad them into ball shapes, and place them throughout the salad. Use as much as you’d like. The salt and fat really sing alongside the sweetness of the peaches and the peppery taste of the arugula.

 Once you’re this far, throw some thick-sliced bread on the grill and give some heat to both sides. Pull the bread, butter it, or hit it with some of that fancy olive oil you got yourself. Give the salad a drizzle of olive oil and follow that with a similar drizzle of your balsamic vinegar. If you’ve got a large flaked salt (kosher salt will do), sprinkle that atop it all and then do the same with some freshly cracked pepper. And before you dig in, snap a photo of it and send it to us at @eastsidefoodcoop. Enjoy!

*Depending on how many people you’re feeding, you’ll likely have some leftover ingredients. So, either scale the salad up for a crowd or use those ingredients in something else. No food waste!


In The Bag!


A Farmer’s Tale: Urban farming is alive at California Street Farms