Easy Strawberry Crepes

There was a time when I thought crepes were only made by fancy restaurants.  I’m now thankful I know how easy they are to assemble because we devour them regularly on the weekends! If you’re looking for a simple but indulgent recipe this month, these gluten-free, dairy-free crepes are it! Bound with eggs and Wildly Organic Coconut Flour, these strawberry crepes come together quickly.

What really makes these crepes decadent though is the chocolate drizzle. Wildly Organic Chocolate Syrup makes the perfect addition. It’s allergy-friendly (gluten-free and dairy-free), completely raw, and made with just two ingredients: raw cacao powder and raw agave. That’s it! The chocolate syrup itself is delicious, but extremely thick. I like to combine the chocolate syrup with some Wildly Organic Centrifuge Extracted Coconut Oil to make it easy to drizzle on top of the crepes. It helps keep the recipe simple, so you don’t need to make your own chocolate sauce!

These strawberry crepes make for a festive breakfast – or just a slow-moving morning! And let’s face it, chocolate and strawberries go together perfectly for this time of year. Using fresh berries also helps give a refreshing burst to the crepes and your morning. Whip up the crepes and let everyone top their own or go for the pre-done method and have everyone simply enjoy!

These easy strawberry crepes are perfect for a slower morning when you have the time to enjoy brunch. While these crepes appear and taste decadent, they’re made with simple, real food ingredients. Add these paleo, gluten-free, and dairy-free crepes to your weekend brunch repertoire

Servings: 4 servings

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes


For the Crepes:

For the Chocolate Sauce:


For the Crepes:

  1. Grease a large skillet and heat on medium to high heat (closer to high).

  2. In a medium bowl, combine the coconut flour, eggs, pure maple syrup and unsweetened almond milk. Whisk really well for 1-2 minutes.

  3. Pour 1/4 of the mixture into the hot skillet.

  4. Let cook for 1-2 minutes then use a silicone spatula to flip the crepes, pressing out any remaining batter.

  5. Cook for 1-2 more minutes until golden brown. Remove from the pan.

  6. Continue with the remaining batter until all of the crepes are finished.

For the Chocolate Sauce Topping:

  1. Heat the coconut oil in a small saucepan over low heat.

  2. Whisk in the chocolate syrup until combined and smooth. Remove from heat.

  3. Line each crepe with strawberries and roll them up.

  4. Top with the chocolate syrup.

Source: https://wildlyorganic.com/blogs/recipes/easy-strawberry-crepes-paleo-gluten-free-dairy-free


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