Our June Seedlings recipient is The Somali American Farmers Association. Round up your purchases all month long to support their work.
The Somali American Farmers Association (SAFA) was founded in 2020 to support Somali and immigrant farmers who focus on culturally specific, organic produce and indigenous African farming practices. SAFA directly addresses the disparities experienced by minority and lower income communities including reduced access to fresh and organic produce; lack of information on the benefits of consuming fresh and organic produce; and lack of financial resources to start and operate farms. SAFA’s primary goal is to address these issues by providing education and training to immigrant and low-income individuals and families on the topics of indigenous African farming practices and regenerative agricultural practices and food. SAFA also seeks to ensure that policy and regulations are updated to support indigenous African food and farming practices.
SAFA provides lessons, training and workshops to educate community members about the importance of culturally specific produce and farming techniques as well as the importance of organic produce. SAFA seeks to introduce new markets to Minnesota that focus on indigenous African produce and advance food justice, and to advance generational wealth through land ownership, creation of sustainable markets and increased knowledge among immigrant families.